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  • Conversations with Nature

Staring Down Fate

This documentary about the reintroduction of red wolves in NC and Biologist Chris Lucash is inspiring and heartbreaking. Watch it - you will cry...

Just some of my favorite quotes from the film:

"If we’re going to continue living with our current relationship to nature, which treats it as kind of a spectacle, nature is this playground and a spectacle, that you go and enjoy, but it’s not an intimate relationship. You can’t hold everything else constant, and reintroduce wolves or mountain lions or whatever else you’re trying to reintroduce, because they don’t fit into society as we know it right now. But, of course, we’re part of nature too, and it’s our denial of that that allows us to act in ways that are unnatural and that destroy life. So part of our embracing our participation in nature is to interact with respect, and intimacy even, with all wild animals."

"The counterpart, the corollary, to the saying ‘if you change one thing you must change everything,’ is ‘if you change one thing, then everything will change,’ and that means that no effort is ever wasted. Everything that calls to us, calls to our creativity and our healing desires, is the gateway into healing everything."

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